New Project: Waterfront di Levante, Genoa.

23 Febbraio 2023

🌅 New exiting project for the #Simeon team!

First drafted by Renzo Piano and developed by RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop and OBR Open Building Research, Waterfront di Levante is an iconic project that aims to transform what was previously the back of a port into a new urban area on the water of #Genoa, Italy, by bringing new urban and port functions, built according to environmentally sustainable construction criteria with #NZEB certification.

” We are creating a living space with zero impact. This project aims to ensure the urbanity of the place. People will be living and working here. This is very important because urbanity is bound up with a mix of functions that will bring the area to life 24 hours a day. ” – #RenzoPiano

Client: CDS Holding, CDS Costruzioni.

#Simeon #WaterfrontDiLevante #architecture #facade

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